Vinnie Smith, Effigy #1, 2022, Ink and toner on paper, 24 x 18 inches (60.96 x 45.72 cm)

Sedrick Chisom, Untitled, 2022

Cole Lu, Growing up, his favorite thing to do was to borrow his mother's eye while she slept. Walking through the kitchen to the backyard, the river, and into the forest, seeing everything through her eye. There he stood on the trail to the mountain; everything is ash; the stick is ash; the stone is ash, but the ash is not ash; the ashes shine on the steps of his march. (Hypnos), 2022, Burnt pine panel

Louis Eisner, Acid Green Graduation, 2021

Jess, Crossing and Recrossing the Heart: Translation #28, 1975

Jess, Mort and Marge, Translation #26, 1971

Brook Hsu, Skeleton In Its Tomb, 2022

Jess, Piling up the Rectangles, Translation #27, 1975